Power Vinyasa

Vinyasa classes are a strong, invigorating flow that connect yoga poses/movements with breath in a creative way to cultivate balance, stability, flexibility and vigor. Breath awareness and coordination are carried throughout the practice as the asana ebbs and flows between effort and ease.
The room is heated to between 85-90 degrees.
This is a beginner friendly intermediate class. We encourage all levels to participate. Must be 16 years or older to attend.

Power Vinyasa – Journey Into Power Vinyasa (JIP)

The Journey Into Power is a fixed sequence built on a powerful, physically challenging class that connects postures through Vinyasa. An organized and moving practice that builds strength, coordination, and measured ability across a balanced array of postures. This class is designed to take the guesswork and decision fatigue out of your day, leaving you free to clear your mind, focus on your practice, and drop into the moment. Each class retains the same sequence, but with the personal approach of the teacher. This class is heated.

The room is heated to between 85-90 degrees.
This is a beginner friendly intermediate class. We encourage all levels to participate. Must be 16 years or older to attend.

Power Vinyasa – Mellow Flow

Power Vinyasa – Mellow flow classes are a slower simpler flow. Designed to open your body, release tension and explore movement throughout your whole system. This class incorporates, breath work focus and flexibility to create a balance between a calm mind and a mobile body.

This is a beginner friendly class. We encourage all levels to participate

You must be 16 years or older to attend. The room is heated to between 80-85 degrees.

Power Vinyasa – Core

Power Vinyasa – Core  Infuses core exercises into a vinyasa flow yoga class to create the increased strength and flexibility needed to improve your yoga practice and your overall health. We encourage all levels to participate. You must be 16 years or older to attend. The room is heated to between 85-90 degrees.

Warm Hatha Yoga (foundations)

A gentle class that emphasizes on posture alignment to enhance muscle tone, flexibility, calm mind through the application of breath work and relaxation techniques. You can expect static long poses like hip opening, hamstring stretch, deeper range of motion through the spine and core workout. Intensity depends on teacher to teacher. Each posture is only done once, modifications and alternative postures are suggested as needed. The room temperature is kept at about 80- 85 degrees.

This is a beginner friendly intermediate class. We encourage all levels to participate. Must be 12 years or older to attend.


Warm Yin Yoga

Warm Yin Yoga targets your deep connective tissues, like your fascia, ligaments, and joints by holding yogic stretches for an extended period of time. This practice is more meditative, giving you space to turn inward and tune into both your mind and the physical sensations of your body. Because you’re holding poses for a longer period of time, yin yoga helps you stretch and lengthen your tissues while also teaching you how to breathe through discomfort and sit with your thoughts. The warmer temperature soothes the muscles and relieves it from tension. The temperature between 80-85 also let students stretch a little bit more without the strain, improving flexibility without tension for the muscles.

This is a beginner friendly intermediate class. We encourage all levels to participate. Must be 12 years or older to attend.


Warm Restorative yoga is a deeply relaxing practice where bolsters, blankets, and blocks are used to support your body in restful positions. The aim of this practice is to bring restoration to the health and wellbeing of your body, mind and nervous system. In a restorative yoga class, the completely supported poses are held for longer periods of time anywhere from 5-30 minutes. During this time, your body, mind and nervous system have the opportunity to relax comfortably, slow down and move towards a state of peace.
The warmer temperature soothes the muscles and relieves it from tension. The temperature between 80-85 also lets students stretch a little bit more without the strain, improving flexibility without tension for the muscles.
This is a beginner friendly class. We encourage all levels to participate. Must be 12 years or older to attend.


Meditation is a practice of focused attention and awareness in efforts to quiet the fluctuations of your mind and create a deeper connection with yourself. Our instructors offer greater understanding and guidance of this practice.


Warm Yinstorative is a combination of yin yoga and restorative yoga where bolsters, blankets, and blocks are used to support your body in restful positions. During the yin aspect of the class, you will be holding stretches for an extended period of time with the support of props. During the restorative aspect of class, you will be using props to completely release and relax your body and nervous system.
The warmer temperature soothes the muscles and relieves it from tension. The temperature between 80-85 also let students stretch a little bit more without the strain, improving flexibility without tension for the muscles.