To inspire yogis of all levels to breathe a breath of fresh air into their practice summer by experiencing Reiki, book your first Reiki service and receive  $25 off.

Reiki is a therapeutic form of energy healing that takes roots from ancient Japanese medicine, dating back to 2500 years ago. The term “Reiki” is derived from two Japanese words: “Rei”, meaning the universal life spirit and “Ki”, the life force or energy, which can be similarly understood as the “Prana” in Sanskrit. The Reiki method of healing is grounded on the principle that centralises the energy system that flows through the human body as the conduit for harmony and balance in all aspects of life. This healing modality places the practitioner as a facilitator for the flow of universal energy into the body of the receiving individual, to enhance vitality and promote the body’s innate ability to heal. This approach allows the recipient to accelerate their physical, psychological and spiritual healing through promoting the free flow of energy

The benefits of Reiki

The goal of Reiki is to ease tension, relieve pain, and help the body heal physically and psychologically by promoting the free flow of energy. Reiki involves little to no pressure on the body. Instead, Reiki practitioners use their hands to gently channel the flow of energy within your body. This treatment is very supportive when you feel very sensitive, or have injuries that would be better left to heal without (deep) touch. It helps you relax, get out of your head, feel grounded, let go of energies that are not helping you, and unblock any energetic blockages.

A Brief history

The practice of Reiki was found to date back 2500 years ago with 30 different branches. However, the form of Reiki that is most prevalent in the West takes roots from the school of Mikao Usui, founder of the Usui Reiki Ryoho in 1922. He studied Buddhist texts in his childhood and went on to research medicine, psychology and theology in his later education. This interest prompted Usui to seek a healing method that is detached to any specific religion or religious belief, as he wished for the healing system to be accessible to all practitioners and receivers.

Yoga and Reiki

Yoga is understood by many as “yoga postures” “poses”, or to those who practice, “asanas”. But these term tremendously overlooks the vast meaning behind what Yoga encompasses, extending far beyond movements and the physical body. In fact, Asana is merely one of the eight limbs of yoga. The holistic practice of yoga asks its practitioner to extend their training beyond the mat to explore the mind and inner spirit. In this light, yoga and Reiki shares the same undertones, as both practices focus inwards on healing, achieving good health and well-being beyond the physical body. Pairing Reiki and yoga together can offer great values as they are both energetic medicine that will deepen and intensify the experience of both practices. Reiki practitioners, much like yogis, are able to self-meditate to enhance their personal wellness and well-being.

Reiki and yoga cross at many intersects, but most commonly discussed are the relieving effect of Reiki on blocked chakras, and how Pranayama can help channel Reiki. Chakras can be understood as energy centers located throughout the body, acting as pathways for universal energy to flow through. Blockages in the chakras increases the vulnerability towards physical and emotional distress. Reiki can help promote energy flow through the body to dissolve the blockages. On the other hand, Pranayama, the life-force, breathe and spirit in yogic terms can be a conduit for refocusing and cultivating Reiki. Reiki can also be combined with yoga through restorative flows or yin practices.

Meet the the healers 

element wellness is overjoyed to introduce our collaboration with Dayna Fauth, & Kate Diprojetto certified Reiki Master’s . They work very intuitively with chakras and energy on all levels. They both provide very deep and relaxing healing treatments. They believe that it’s important to give your mind and body rest and time to relax, to help you enjoy life even better. They work with energy healing to help the self healing mechanism of your own body. Their treatments help you to relax, get out of your head, feel grounded, let go of energies that are not helping you, and unblock any energetic blockages. In a treatment they work with your intentions and  will listen to their intuition to give you the energy you need. At the end of the session they will share with you what (kind of blockages) she felt. Treatments with Dayna & Kate at element wellness includes healing (Energy/Chakra) and a lotuswei enhanced  Reiki healing treatment. To book a Reiki session with Dayna or Kate , visit our Wellness page here.