Yoga and massage therapy are two of the most popular wellness practices, and if your instinct is telling you to combine them, you’re definitely on to something.

Massage and yoga are actually more similar than you may think. Both practices detoxify and oxygenate the body by increasing blood flow; both can increase flexibility and range of motion; and both are excellent for relieving stress.

And did you know yoga is actually a type of self-massage? The twisting, bending, and folding that takes place during yoga actually massages the internal organs, making it an excellent way to gently promote their healthy function

Getting a Massage BEFORE Yoga

Getting a massage before practicing yoga class will increase blood flow to your muscles, lengthening the outer layer of muscles and connective tissue (AKA “fascia”) and allowing you to stretch more deeply into your asanas.

A massage warms the muscles and “pre-stretches” them in a way, so you’ll likely be able to stretch farther and hold the poses longer. Thanks to its tension-relieving, focus-inducing powers, massage may also make it easier to stay present and focused during your yoga session, enhancing yoga’s meditative effects.

Book your pre-yoga massage here:

Getting a Massage AFTER Yoga

As with the massage-then-yoga sequence, yoga-then-massage will allow your body to maximize some of the other benefits of both practices.

If you get a massage after a yoga session you’ll benefit greatly from the massage’s reduction of lactic acid that builds up in the body after exercise. This will help you recover more quickly (after any type of exercise—not just yoga). If the therapist is targeting deeper connective tissue and fascia, the effects will encourage your freshly stretched muscles to stay at their increased length—extending and compounding the yogic benefits.

If your goal is to achieve maximum relaxation through your yoga/massage tandem, then this is definitely the sequence you want. A calming massage after yoga can be a profoundly relaxing experience. Combining the calming, stress-relieving benefits of both.

Book your post-yoga massage here:

What Sounds Best to You?

We’ve got you covered at element wellness. However you choose to double up your yoga and massage practices, you’re sure to see exponentially increased benefits from both. Just remember to always communicate with your massage therapist. Tell them about your current physiological state before they begin (i.e. if you just came from a vigorous hot yoga class) and/or what you plan to do after your massage (say, a hour of hot vinyasa flow). Noah, will be sure to customize the massage to your needs and goals so you get the most benefit, the most safely, out of your entire wellness routine.

Meet Noah 

Noah, is a native of Rochester, With seven years of experience, he has honed his craft and cultivated a deep passion for promoting holistic wellness and pain relief.

“For me, massage therapy isn’t just a profession; it’s a calling—a calling to help others find solace, relaxation, and healing amidst life’s stresses. Whether you’re seeking relief from tension, relaxation, or support for your overall health, I’m here to craft personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs and concerns.”

At the core of his practice lies a profound commitment to your well-being. He will take great care to listen to your individual concerns and collaborate with you to achieve your wellness goals. We are grateful  he part of the element wellness team.

Book a massage with. noah here: